Dogs vs. Cats

Exhibit one for why cat people are weirder than dog people:


Honduras Fundraisers

Yesterday we held another fundraiser for Honduras.  We had a simultaneous car wash and part two of the rummage sale at the church.  It was a decent success (made ~$1350).  I really appreciated all the help from the congregation and from all the hard work from the participants of the trip.  We’re approaching halfway to our fundraising goal of approximately $20k.  God is good and we trust in Him for all our provisions.  Happy Easter!






Richards’ Farewell Party

The exodus has begun…

Friday was the Richards’ last night with us in Tucson.  Karissa was very gracious to host everyone over to say goodbye.  It’s sad that they moving on but I know it’s a good move for them.  Ben has been someone I’ve really looked up to here in Tucson.  I have learned a great deal from him both theologically and as a great example of Christian living.  He (along with the rest of the book group) have been very patient with me as a new Christian when I arrived here in Tucson, allowing me to join them and learn a great deal.  The Richards will be sorely missed by so many of us here in Tucson.

I think watching Ben finish up his degree and get a job out of Tucson made the eventuality of our leaving Tucson start to sink in more.  It’s always seemed so far in the future, but I guess it’s closer than I think.

Oh, did I mention Beau and Mary are back in town?  More on that later…




Honduras Rummage Sale

We have been working on raising money for our mission trip to Honduras this summer.  We have over 20k to raise so there’s a good bit of work to do.  Our first big event was a rummage sale.  We collected donations from people in our church to sell.  I was overwhelmed in both the quantity and quality of items donated.  The only real downside was storing all of it in our house.  It was easy when Beth was in New York but I think she was a little less than pleased to come home to piles of stuff covering our house.  We filled our spare bedroom and our entire family/dining room.  On the Thursday before the sale we had a group meeting and a few people came to our house to start pricing.  I forgot to take a picture after more stuff came in on Friday but this one will give you an idea of the mayhem that was our house.


The sale was on Saturday and after a long day of final pick-ups and a late night celebrating a good friend’s graduation and job we got an early start on very little sleep.

Even if you plead with people not to show up early some just never get it.  We had people there as we were still bringing items out of the house.  They did buy 8 TVs from us so I guess it’s not that bad, but still. We were able to get everything out and the crowd was pretty constant.  We probably averaged 15-20 people at all times (from 7am to 2pm) and we pretty much had to run people off as we took the sale down around 4pm.



The sale was pretty successful (we made ~$3000) but it sure was exhausting.  It would have been a little better if Arizona had pulled off the buzzer beater against UConn, but I guess you can’t get everything.  Now we’re selling some of the leftover items on Craigslist and planning our next fundraiser, a car wash on April 9th.  Hopefully it will be successful.

Nataliam Wedding

Beth and I had the awesome opportunity to travel to Erie, PA this past weekend to celebrate Liam and Natalie’s wedding.  It was a lot of fun to get to meet some of Natalie and Liam’s good friends as well as their families.


It was a beautiful wedding at an old theater in downtown Erie (Natalie’s hometown).  It was definitely a unique setting, but it came together amazingly and it turned out to be a great setting that really added to the ambiance of the night.

After the wedding, Beth and I decided to make a trip to nearby Niagara Falls.  The falls were crazy.  I have seen a lot of pictures over my life but they just don’t do it justice.  We tried to take some pictures but due to the cold and mist (which was messing with the autofocus on our camera) we didn’t hang around long.


We then continued on to Toronto for the evening.  We got there fairly quickly and had most of the afternoon to look around Toronto a bit.  We were able to see the CN Tower, which at one point was the largest tower in the world, and Steamwhistle Brewery, where we tasted their famous pilsner.



We then traveled over to what was called the Distillery District which is a quaint area with brick streets and brick buildings and a few little shops and restaurants.  We went in order to find a place called Soma.  It is a chocolate maker which is one of the only places in North America where they import raw cacao beans and make their own chocolate from scratch.  Beth and I got two little truffles (mine was filled with caramel and topped with sea salt, all from Madagascar and Beth’s was dark chocolate with Venezuelan oranges) and a cup of their famous hot chocolate.  It was just amazing.  I don’t even know how to begin to describe it.


We later went over to Greek town for a gyro dinner before heading back all the way to Pittsburgh the next morning for our flight out.  Overall it was a fun trip and a really nice vacation for Beth and me.  We got back just in time to finish compiling donations for the upcoming rummage sale for our Honduras trip (with the piles of stuff in our house to prove it).

Liam’s Bachelor Party

We decided that we needed to throw a Bachelor Party/Bar Stocking party for Liam before his wedding in a few weeks.  A bunch of the guys came over and we all brought Liam a new bottle of liquor to stock his bar.  He got quite a bounty: gin, rum, scotch, Amaretto, tequila, among others.  We had a good night of poker (even though I only came in 3rd) and Ryan, Liam and I got to hang out for a while afterward.  It really was a great time and Beth and I are really looking forward to Liam and Natalie’s wedding.  Just a conference presentation for me and final comprehensive exams for Beth to go before the trip!




The Clean Diet

the-clean-dietBeth and I have decided to get back on track in 2011 by following a diet I read about called “The Clean Diet.”  It is called a “detox” diet in that it is designed to remove various toxins from our body.  These include many pesticides, heavy metals, and chemical preservatives found in many processed food.  Also, many people have allergies to wheat, soy, or dairy that they do not really know about.  This diet aims to give you a clean slate and then allow you to reintroduce these items to see how your body reacts.  The diet looks to be fairly strenuous, but I think it will be just the kick-start Beth and I need to get going.  The diet consists of 4 weeks:  one “elimination” week in which you remove certain foods from your diet but maintain 3 normal meals per day, and 3 weeks of the official diet in which you have a liquid breakfast and dinner and the only solid meal at lunch, you also take various supplements to aid in the cleansing.  To give you an idea of what is restricted, I’ll list some of the items that you cannot have:  any dairy, any wheat, any soy product, alcohol, coffee, any sugar or sugar substitute, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, and the list goes on.  You can substitute other fruits and vegetables as well as have chicken and fresh fish for protein.  I decided that rather than post each week I will keep a journal throughout, below are my comments.

Elimination Diet: This week has taken a little getting used to.  It requires a lot more planning to make sure you’re not eating items from the “no-list”.   It has been nice though that since I hurt my ankle and can’t exercise much that at least I’m eating better.

Week 1: The cravings for more/different food are still there.  Beth and I have been doing good at planning our meals and being prepared for the week.  This has definitely helped us not to stray from the diet.  A few points of advice for people wanting to do this diet:  (1) go for garlic pills instead of eating the clove a-day (that was close to the worst experience ever)  (2) prepare yourself for the olive oil each night, it takes some getting used to  (3) so far the soups from the book have been pretty bad, we’ve just improvised with veggie smoothies.  At least we have been seeing some results.  We have been monitoring our weight, body fat percentage and muscle mass weight using a new scale Beth got me for Christmas.  So far (10 days after starting the Elimination Diet) I’m down 10 pounds with no loss in muscle mass.  We’ll see if this pace continues.  By now we’ve gotten pretty used to the portions and the food, the only complaints have been that we’re a little more tired than usual and I’ve actually been cold (which is really strange for me if you know me).  Supposedly our energy should be going up during week 2.

Week 2: This week was a bit better.  There were a few days when the cravings returned, normally when I had a stressful day.  During this, Beth and I have been talking a lot about how we interact with food.  In response to the feelings of wanting “comfort” food when having a stressful day brought up an interesting conversation about how turning to food when stressed or a little down is actually a sinful practice that is easy for us to fall into.  We have been told that God is the “Father of compassion and the God of all comfort” (2Co 1:3), thus we should be turning to him alone.  This has been a helpful focus of meditation during this week and has allowed for the control of many cravings.  Our energy is going up a bit.  Not the extraordinary increase that some claim to realize, but nice none the less.

Week 3: Coming to the end of the diet has been nice.  It has been a little exhausting at times to stick to the rigors of this diet, however the way I feel is well worth it.  The final stats are —

Jeff:  -14.8lbs, -4.1% body fat, even in muscle mass

Beth:  -3.6lbs, -3.3% body fat, +1lb muscle mass

I am looking forward to eating normal food again, however many of the practices of this diet I would like to continue.  The smaller meal portions and restrictions on snacking, I think, are just good principle.  It is definitely a diet I would like to do again in the future.  Also, they suggest as methods of upkeep a quick 3-day diet, among others, where you follow the elimination diet for 3 days.  Beth and I plan on doing this once a month.

Evaluation: Overall, while the diet was strenuous, I do believe that the health benefits are worth the effort.  I would suggest the diet to anyone who is looking to renew their body, as well as regain that “healthy” feeling.  If anyone is interested, we have the book and you are more than welcome to borrow it.  I plan on posting more as Beth and I reintroduce items into our diet, we’ll let you know how that goes.

The thanks we get

It’s been cold here in Tuscon the past few days (extremely cold for Tucson) with highs in the 30s and lows in the teens.  As such, there have been numerous water line ruptures and you can see the evidence all over town.  Since it has been so cold we decided that we had better keep Walcott inside some days.  Normally we’d keep him in his kennel, but he’s been acting better lately and so I decided that we could leave him out around the house.  The first day all went well and I was very happy to see that our dog maybe had finally started to calm down a bit.  Day 2, however, was a different story, this was the picture when Beth and I got home:

Walcott and the Pillow

Walcott and the Pillow 2

I guess this is what we get for being nice and keeping him from freezing.  I guess we still have some training to do.

Christmas in North Carolina

Beth and I had the opportunity this Christmas to drive cross-country to North Carolina to spend Christmas with Beth’s sister Claire and her husband Mark.  Their son Nathan had been born just days before we arrived.  It was awesome to get to see him as well as hang out with the whole Maranto family.  Due to the cold and snow we mostly hung out around the house, with a few outings to see Boone and a local cheese factory.  It really was a very relaxing trip for Beth and me (one we hope to repeat soon).  Here are some pictures from all the festivities.

Christmas Family Pic

Beth and Mary in the snow

Nathan and his Mom

Nathan and his Grandma

The Kolvites

Freezing pic on Mt. Jefferson


Storytime with Nathan

Walcott's first sled ride

The whole

While we were gone…

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything (and I’ve caught a fair amount of flack for it) so I figured I would try to get back into it.  So rather than outlining everything Beth and I have done since last July I’m just going to post a spattering of pictures from that time.  Hope you enjoy!

Visit from the Marantos:

Mt Lemmon Hike with the Marantos

Croquet at Arizona Inn

Climbing Picacho Peak

Arizona Sunset

Liam’s Halloween Party:

Matt and Dana = Bedouins

Ryan and Yuneun = Cholos

Salt Lake City Trip:

Beth at the Mormon Tabernacle

America's Cup Bobsled Racing

At Olympic Park

Beth resting with a bear

Tour de Tucson 2010 (109 miles):

Finishing the 109-mile Tour de Tucson

Dave, Tim and I after the finish

Thanksgiving in Dallas/Mom’s 60th Birthday:

Singing Happy Birthday!

The whole family

Owen really likes the Dallas Aquarium

Crazy Seahorse

RMPC Christmas Party 2010:

Christmas sweaters are intimidating